Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sweet Little Jack

Ohhhh - I had so much fun with little Jack and his Mummy, Tara and Daddy, Jeff this morning!!! Jack is such a beautiful, happy little boy that was filled with giggles and the quickest legs I've ever seen on a 1 yr old little boy!! Thanks Jeff and Tara! I had a fabulous time playing with Jack!! I hope you like your images!!! :)
Friday, April 23, 2010

Simple Beauty

I wanted to share a few more of my little beauties! Proud Mumma.....I THINK SO!! :)
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mr Z

This gorgeous little man is Mr Z - one of the happiest little chappy's I've ever had the pleasure of photographing! We had so much fun - his little love affair with boats had my in fits of laughter for days afterwards whenever I thought of it! Thanks Stace for the opportunity to spend some time with you and your beautiful boy!!! 

Lovely Lilly & Spunky Jack

Thanks to Stace and Corey for letting me photograph your little munchkins Lovely Lilly and Spunky Jack! I had so much fun!! What beautiful children you have!!
Friday, April 16, 2010

Fun with my Princesses

Always love to have a muck around in the studio with my gorgeous girls! :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010


Ahhhh, its always so much fun when I catch up with Pete, Cindy and the boys!! Had a FAB time at the beach doing some family photos with them all today! Thanks for a GREAT time guys!!

Stunning Suey

I had a great time with my cousin's BEAUTIFUL wife, Sue-Ellen over the Easter break! So much fun and laughter! And what a FABULOUS result - these are absolutely stunning!!
Friday, April 9, 2010


What a fun time I had with one of my FAVOURITE people Kardinia Lockett (or Cookie as she's known to my girls). Cookie has photo's every year around her birthday and this year I was lucky enough to be the one behind the camera!! I'm sooo looking forward to next years pics! I've watched you grow from a baby into a fabulous young lady and you my girl are going places!! Glad to be along for the ride!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010

welcome to our blog!

Things are starting to heat up with new shoots so keep stopping by to see my latest work.